[RevEmu] Багрепорты и помощь с ошибками

Обсуждаем все, что относится к выделенным серверам *NIX (Unix, Linux) и Windows
Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 15.05.2011
Благодарил (а): 2 раза

#16 Сообщение 15.06.2011, 04:57

bir3yk писал(а):animalnots
для сервера в rev.ini эта строка должна быть раскоментирована:
:Yahoo!: все работает спс )
почему строка по умолчанию закоменчена
Последний раз редактировалось animalnots 15.06.2011, 04:58, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 121
Зарегистрирован: 05.01.2009
Откуда: Ставрополь
Контактная информация:

#17 Сообщение 15.06.2011, 08:13

Потому что для клиента она должна быть закомментирована.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 188
Зарегистрирован: 14.04.2010
Откуда: Ukraine
Благодарил (а): 48 раз
Поблагодарили: 2 раза
Контактная информация:

#18 Сообщение 16.06.2011, 13:24

testncrash писал(а): Рабочий конфиг rev.ini для распака:

Код: Выделить всё


CacheEnabled = False


SteamClient = True




PlayerName = testncrash_powered

А разве тут не должно еще быть:

Код: Выделить всё

Language = Russian
SteamUser = SteamPlayer

Сообщения: 1346
Зарегистрирован: 07.09.2009
Поблагодарили: 26 раз

#19 Сообщение 16.06.2011, 19:12

еще раз повторюсь, все переменные в рев.ини имеет свои значения по умолчанию(почти все), так что большинство из них можно вообще не заносить в рев.ини, но крамсать я бы вам его не советовал хотя бы потому что я использую такой же как и в архиве и при ответах ориентируюсь на него. При возникших проблема ваши кастрированные rev.ini я не смотрю, только потому что у меня нет времени искать что вы могли удалить по ошибке.

Сообщения: 174
Зарегистрирован: 17.06.2011
Поблагодарили: 2 раза

#20 Сообщение 17.06.2011, 19:29

1. Какая версия RevEmu установлена у вас. : RevCrew_win_9.85_31052011
2. Где установлен RevEmu? (сервер\клиент). : сервер (cs source)
3. Содержимое Rev.ini (под спойлер).

# CacheEnabled set to true to enable loading apps from GCF.
# If it is true, and a clientregistry.blob file is not supplied,
# then you must supply revApps.ini file with the correct cache requirements.
# See the example revApps.ini, however it is highly recommended that you use
# a clientregistry.blob file for maximum compatibility
# Default = False
CacheEnabled = false

# CachePath - set to the folder where your GCF files are located
# Default = (n/a)
CachePath = E:\Steam\SteamApps

# Language - rev emu will automagically load the correct language files.
# This can be English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, sChinese,
# Korean, Koreana, tChinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, or Portugeuse
# revEmu will try to set the Language key in the following order:
# Use the Language key in the this rev.ini if it is present
# Use the Steam Language key in the registry if it is present
# Default the Language to English
#Language = English
Language = Russian

# Change Logging to True to enable/disable log file output for steam.dll
# Default = False

# Change SteamDll to point to your official Steam client DLL.
# This setting is required for Steam UserID Validation functions
# to support legit Steam IDs. Otherwise, all clients would get
# IDs generated from their IP addresses.
# Also make sure you uncomment the line below (remove "#")
# if you want to use this setting!
# Note that this setting only applies to games using SteamGameServer
# up to version 003. (e.g. CS: Source, Team Fortess 2, Garry's Mod)
# Default = (n/a)

# Change SteamClient to True if you want to use the steamclient emulator.
# This setting is recommended to be true for both clients \ game servers
# and for all games, except games which use SteamClient006 interface
# (e.g. CS: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch)
# To see if the game is using this old interface, enable SteamClient,
# enable Logging and you will notice a log line "Using SteamClientXXX".
# If 007, leave the option ON, otherwise, it is recommended not to use it.
# Default = False
SteamClient = True

# Change SteamUser to the steam username that you wish to use with revEmu
# Defaults to revCrew if not specified
SteamUser = SteamPlayer


# If Logging is set to True, choose which functions would you like to log.
# Default = False


################################### NOTE ####################################
# These settings may apply even if you don't choose to use steamclient.dll! #
# Change the setting below to set your PlayerName (used in src2007 engine)
# not use ""
# Default = REVOLUTiON
PlayerName=You name

# Change the setting below to enable/disable log file output for steamclient.dll
# Default = False

# Change ClientDLL to point to the original steamclient.dll
# This setting will enable VAC for your server and your server will be listed
# on Valve master server! Also, Steam clients will have their regular Steam IDs
# Please use the steamclient.dll from Steam folder!
# Default = (n/a)


# DisableUnlockedItems enables you to choose whether to use the new weapons in
# Team Fortress 2. This setting applies to you only if you are a regular player,
# or to all your clients if you are a server hoster.
# Default = False
#DisableUnlockedItems = True

# If you use in Ultimate SSDK change the setting below to True
# use only Ultimate SSDK enable else disable.
# Default = False
#EnableSDK = True

#Change the setting to set masterserver, from where serverlist will be got.
#No support Setti masterserver.....
#Default = only for HL2
#Friends tab in serverbrowser shows another masterserver for VIP server ($)
#HL1 servers
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#HL2 servers
MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =

#Search game version in MasterServer.
#Default search all version.

#Add rename ClanTag maximum 12 symbol UTF-8 or 24 symbol ANSI
#ex. ClanTag = revcrev


# GameServer policy rules
# Allow (v9.73 < revEmu < 9.83) clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow revEmu v9.63 ~ 9.73 clients to join your server
# revEmu v9.62 and below will be rejected nevertheless
# Default = True

# Allow unknown clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow cracked Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow legitimate Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

#Allowed any count connect Unknown client with one IP (25 Unknown clients 1 IP default true)
#AllowedAnyCountConnectUnknownClientWithOneIP = false

#EnableNSNetSvc = [False/UDP/TCP/BOTH]
#NSNetDedicatedPort = Порт(Только для Slave серевров)
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT

4. Расположение оригинальных библиотекам steam.dll, steamclinet.dll. : D:\server\orangebox\bin\

5. Желательно использовать steamclient.dll с логированием и выложить rev-log.txt( не нашел rev-log.txt, но использую с логированием).

6. Сейчас без сурсмода. серв чистый полность. но пробовал и с сурсмодом. проблема есть и в том и в другом случае.

7. Запускаю серв батником. вот его содержимое:
@echo off
echo (%date% %time%) Starting SRCDS
start srcds_fps_boost.exe
start /wait /high orangebox\srcds.exe -autoupdate -console -game cstrike -tickrate 66 -port 27025 +maxplayers 22 +map de_dust2 +exec server.cfg +sv_lan 0
echo (%date% %time%) Restarting SRCDS
goto loop
суть проблемы:

При просмотре сервера в "Find server" даже когда на сервере нет игроков пишет 2/22.

Когда же на сервере кто-то есть, показывает 22/22 - и это когда человек 6 только играют(
Иногда бывает 27/22 . ПОдключиться невозможно. только через connect в консоли.


Сообщения: 1346
Зарегистрирован: 07.09.2009
Поблагодарили: 26 раз

#21 Сообщение 18.06.2011, 02:16

блин я не сказал же сюда писать:) ты прочитал 1 страницу ??? #ClientDLL=.\bin\Steam\steamclient.dll не ужели трудно было понять куда смотреть?

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 31.12.2010

#22 Сообщение 18.06.2011, 22:17

1. RevCrew_win_9.85_31052011
2. Сервер Half-Life 1
3. Rev.ini

# CacheEnabled set to true to enable loading apps from GCF.
# If it is true, and a clientregistry.blob file is not supplied,
# then you must supply revApps.ini file with the correct cache requirements.
# See the example revApps.ini, however it is highly recommended that you use
# a clientregistry.blob file for maximum compatibility
# Default = False
CacheEnabled = True

# CachePath - set to the folder where your GCF files are located
# Default = (n/a)
CachePath = ..\..\..\steamapps

# Language - rev emu will automagically load the correct language files.
# This can be English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, sChinese,
# Korean, Koreana, tChinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, or Portugeuse
# revEmu will try to set the Language key in the following order:
# Use the Language key in the this rev.ini if it is present
# Use the Steam Language key in the registry if it is present
# Default the Language to English
#Language = English

# Change Logging to True to enable/disable log file output for steam.dll
# Default = False

# Change SteamDll to point to your official Steam client DLL.
# This setting is required for Steam UserID Validation functions
# to support legit Steam IDs. Otherwise, all clients would get
# IDs generated from their IP addresses.
# Also make sure you uncomment the line below (remove "#")
# if you want to use this setting!
# Note that this setting only applies to games using SteamGameServer
# up to version 003. (e.g. CS: Source, Team Fortess 2, Garry's Mod)
# Default = (n/a)

# Change SteamClient to True if you want to use the steamclient emulator.
# This setting is recommended to be true for both clients \ game servers
# and for all games, except games which use SteamClient006 interface
# (e.g. CS: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch)
# To see if the game is using this old interface, enable SteamClient,
# enable Logging and you will notice a log line "Using SteamClientXXX".
# If 007, leave the option ON, otherwise, it is recommended not to use it.
# Default = False
SteamClient = True

# Change SteamUser to the steam username that you wish to use with revEmu
# Defaults to revCrew if not specified
SteamUser = SteamPlayer


# If Logging is set to True, choose which functions would you like to log.
# Default = False


################################### NOTE ####################################
# These settings may apply even if you don't choose to use steamclient.dll! #
# Change the setting below to set your PlayerName (used in src2007 engine)
# not use ""
# Default = REVOLUTiON
PlayerName=You name

# Change the setting below to enable/disable log file output for steamclient.dll
# Default = False

# Change ClientDLL to point to the original steamclient.dll
# This setting will enable VAC for your server and your server will be listed
# on Valve master server! Also, Steam clients will have their regular Steam IDs
# Please use the steamclient.dll from Steam folder!
# Default = (n/a)


# DisableUnlockedItems enables you to choose whether to use the new weapons in
# Team Fortress 2. This setting applies to you only if you are a regular player,
# or to all your clients if you are a server hoster.
# Default = False
#DisableUnlockedItems = True

# If you use in Ultimate SSDK change the setting below to True
# use only Ultimate SSDK enable else disable.
# Default = False
#EnableSDK = True

#Change the setting to set masterserver, from where serverlist will be got.
#No support Setti masterserver.....
#Default = only for HL2
#Friends tab in serverbrowser shows another masterserver for VIP server ($)
#HL1 servers
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#HL2 servers
MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =

#Search game version in MasterServer.
#Default search all version.

#Add rename ClanTag maximum 12 symbol UTF-8 or 24 symbol ANSI
#ex. ClanTag = revcrev


# GameServer policy rules
# Allow (v9.73 < revEmu < 9.83) clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow revEmu v9.63 ~ 9.73 clients to join your server
# revEmu v9.62 and below will be rejected nevertheless
# Default = True

# Allow unknown clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow cracked Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow legitimate Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

#Allowed any count connect Unknown client with one IP (25 Unknown clients 1 IP default true)
#AllowedAnyCountConnectUnknownClientWithOneIP = false

#EnableNSNetSvc = [False/UDP/TCP/BOTH]
#NSNetDedicatedPort = Порт(Только для Slave серевров)
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
4. .\Steam
5. rev-log.txt
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Startup
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Using Interface: SteamClient007
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::SetLocalIPBinding
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::CreateLocalUser
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamGameServer
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Using Interface: SteamGameServer005
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUtils
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Using Interface: SteamUtils002
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamApps
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Using Interface: STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION002
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamMasterServerUpdater
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Using Interface: SteamMasterServerUpdater001
2011/06/18 21:55:05 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamNetworking
2011/06/18 21:55:05 Using Interface: SteamNetworking001
2011/06/18 21:55:06 Shutdown
6. Sourcemod (и Metamod) не установлен
7. При запуске сервер выдает ошибку "Unable to initialize Steam." и вылетает. Серв запускается нормально только после откючения ClientDLL в rev.ini

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 30.05.2011

#23 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 09:34

1. Version 9.8.5 31/05/2011 (RevCrew_win_9.85_31052011.7z)
2. Клиент - Counter - Strike 1.6
3. Rev.ini

# CacheEnabled set to true to enable loading apps from GCF.
# If it is true, and a clientregistry.blob file is not supplied,
# then you must supply revApps.ini file with the correct cache requirements.
# See the example revApps.ini, however it is highly recommended that you use
# a clientregistry.blob file for maximum compatibility
# Default = False
CacheEnabled = false

# CachePath - set to the folder where your GCF files are located
# Default = (n/a)
#CachePath = E:\Steam\SteamApps

# Language - rev emu will automagically load the correct language files.
# This can be English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, sChinese,
# Korean, Koreana, tChinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, or Portugeuse
# revEmu will try to set the Language key in the following order:
# Use the Language key in the this rev.ini if it is present
# Use the Steam Language key in the registry if it is present
# Default the Language to English
#Language = Russian
Language = English

# Change Logging to True to enable/disable log file output for steam.dll
# Default = False

# Change SteamDll to point to your official Steam client DLL.
# This setting is required for Steam UserID Validation functions
# to support legit Steam IDs. Otherwise, all clients would get
# IDs generated from their IP addresses.
# Also make sure you uncomment the line below (remove "#")
# if you want to use this setting!
# Note that this setting only applies to games using SteamGameServer
# up to version 003. (e.g. CS: Source, Team Fortess 2, Garry's Mod)
# Default = (n/a)

# Change SteamClient to True if you want to use the steamclient emulator.
# This setting is recommended to be true for both clients \ game servers
# and for all games, except games which use SteamClient006 interface
# (e.g. CS: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch)
# To see if the game is using this old interface, enable SteamClient,
# enable Logging and you will notice a log line "Using SteamClientXXX".
# If 007, leave the option ON, otherwise, it is recommended not to use it.
# Default = False
SteamClient = True

# Change SteamUser to the steam username that you wish to use with revEmu
# Defaults to revCrew if not specified
SteamUser = SteamPlayer


# If Logging is set to True, choose which functions would you like to log.
# Default = False


################################### NOTE ####################################
# These settings may apply even if you don't choose to use steamclient.dll! #
# Change the setting below to set your PlayerName (used in src2007 engine)
# not use ""
# Default = REVOLUTiON
PlayerName=You name

# Change the setting below to enable/disable log file output for steamclient.dll
# Default = False

# Change ClientDLL to point to the original steamclient.dll
# This setting will enable VAC for your server and your server will be listed
# on Valve master server! Also, Steam clients will have their regular Steam IDs
# Please use the steamclient.dll from Steam folder!
# Default = (n/a)


# DisableUnlockedItems enables you to choose whether to use the new weapons in
# Team Fortress 2. This setting applies to you only if you are a regular player,
# or to all your clients if you are a server hoster.
# Default = False
#DisableUnlockedItems = True

# If you use in Ultimate SSDK change the setting below to True
# use only Ultimate SSDK enable else disable.
# Default = False
#EnableSDK = True

#Change the setting to set masterserver, from where serverlist will be got.
#No support Setti masterserver.....
#Default = only for HL2
#Friends tab in serverbrowser shows another masterserver for VIP server ($)
#HL1 servers
MasterServer =
MasterServer =
MasterServer =
#HL2 servers
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =

#Search game version in MasterServer.
#Default search all version.

#Add rename ClanTag maximum 12 symbol UTF-8 or 24 symbol ANSI
#ex. ClanTag = revcrev


# GameServer policy rules
# Allow (v9.73 < revEmu < 9.83) clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow revEmu v9.63 ~ 9.73 clients to join your server
# revEmu v9.62 and below will be rejected nevertheless
# Default = True

# Allow unknown clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow cracked Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow legitimate Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

#Allowed any count connect Unknown client with one IP (25 Unknown clients 1 IP default true)
#AllowedAnyCountConnectUnknownClientWithOneIP = false

#EnableNSNetSvc = [False/UDP/TCP/BOTH]
#NSNetDedicatedPort = Порт(Только для Slave серевров)
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IP:PORT
4. -
5. rev-log.txt
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Startup
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamClient007
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::CreateSteamPipe
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::ConnectToGlobalUser
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUser
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamUser010
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamFriends
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamFriends003
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUtils
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamUtils002
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamMatchmaking
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamMatchMaking002
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamMatchmakingServers
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamMatchMakingServers001
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUserStats
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION003
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamApps
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION002
2011/06/19 11:21:00 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamNetworking
2011/06/19 11:21:00 Using Interface: SteamNetworking001
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamClient007
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::CreateSteamPipe
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::ConnectToGlobalUser
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUser
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamUser010
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamFriends
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamFriends003
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUtils
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamUtils002
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamMatchmaking
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamMatchMaking002
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamMatchmakingServers
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamMatchMakingServers001
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamUserStats
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION003
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamApps
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION002
2011/06/19 11:21:04 CAdapterSteamClient007::GetISteamNetworking
2011/06/19 11:21:04 Using Interface: SteamNetworking001
2011/06/19 11:21:06 Adapters::CSteamMatchmaking002::GetFavoriteGameCount
6. -
7. Все работает на ура, но при попытке зайти на сервер с интернета (Вкладка Internet), сервер не отвечает, а затем вылетает ошибка
Так же во вкладке Lan висит сервер , при попытке зайти на него, вылетает такая же ошибка...

Сообщения: 459
Зарегистрирован: 25.02.2007
Благодарил (а): 22 раза
Поблагодарили: 33 раза
Контактная информация:

#24 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 11:19

Мне кажется у тебя все в порядке, дело зарыто в мастерсервере.Вчера играл и сам попадался на "лежащие" сервера.
Это фэйковый сервер ), даже не пытайся зайти.

Решением проблемы для меня стало - использование setti мастерсервера, надо упросить bir3yk, чтоб разблокировали setti для голдсорс игр.

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 30.05.2011

#25 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 11:28

testncrash, к серверам которым я пытаюсь "приконнектиться", рабочие на 100%... Просто при "конекте", висит окно с инфой о сервере, и через 1-2 сек. появляется ошибка (скрин выше)...

Такая же трабла с фейковым сервером, я на него даже нажать не успеваю, ни то, чтобы зайти... сразу же ошибка
Последний раз редактировалось patrig 19.06.2011, 11:29, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Сообщения: 459
Зарегистрирован: 25.02.2007
Благодарил (а): 22 раза
Поблагодарили: 33 раза
Контактная информация:

#26 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 11:33

#ClientDLL=.\Steam\steamclient.dll расскоментируй и положи файлы оригинального steam(можно найти в архиве с reEmu) в .\Steam\
Последний раз редактировалось testncrash 19.06.2011, 11:56, всего редактировалось 2 раза.

Сообщения: 1346
Зарегистрирован: 07.09.2009
Поблагодарили: 26 раз

#27 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 11:43

Странно как этот сервер попал в закладку Lan, этот рекламная запись услуги "Друзья" :) и должна быть только на закладке "Френдов". Посмотрю может где то ошибся. С получением серверов с мастерсервера сетти для cs1.6, как временное решение, возможно будет сделано. Но порядок серверов в списке в любом случае будут не такой как хотелось бы сетти ;)

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 30.05.2011

#28 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 11:51

testncrash, при ClientDLL=.\bin\Steam\steamclient.dll

bir3yk, посмотрел еще раз (думал ошибся), сервер действительно висит в Lan`e
Последний раз редактировалось patrig 19.06.2011, 11:53, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Сообщения: 459
Зарегистрирован: 25.02.2007
Благодарил (а): 22 раза
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#29 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 14:01

1.Последняя + revloader
2. Игра Poker night at the inventory
# You can launch revLoader in two ways:
# 1) Create a shortcut to revLoader and apply the following
# command line options:
# -appid <APPID> where <APPID> is the application in question.
# If supplied revLoader will create a steam_appid.txt
# file with the value specified
# -launch <PROCNAME> where <PROCNAME> is the executable to
# launch
# All other command line options are passed through to the
# launched executable, so:
# revLoader.exe -appid 12345 -launch MyApp.exe -silent /help
# This will create a steam_appid.txt file with the value 12345
# Before launching MyApp.exe with the arguments -silent /help
# 2) Specify the name of the application to load in the ProcName
# setting below as with previous versions of revLoader.
# You can also specify the command line if required.
# e.g ProcName=MyApp.exe -silent /help

# Specify the location of the original steamclient.dll
# which comes with Steam client
# You can comment this line out if the game doesn't use it
SteamClientDll= .\Steam\steamclient.dll
Кастрат rev.ini



Language = english
SteamClient = True
SteamUser = SteamPlayer


PlayerName = "testncrash"
4. .\steam\
5. пуст
6. -
Application load error!
Проблем с лоадэром никогда не возникало , а захотелось поиграть в Poker night at the inventory - так ничего не выходит.
Перепробовал уже почти все, а самое главное - раньше удавалось поиграть, стоило мне тогда убрать "лишние" закомментированые строчки , то игра переставала запускаться.Сейчас вообще не могу запустить.

Сообщения: 1346
Зарегистрирован: 07.09.2009
Поблагодарили: 26 раз

#30 Сообщение 19.06.2011, 14:45

попробуй добавить секцию [Loader] в полный рев.ини.

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